I'm running the Reykjavik marathon in memory of my grandfather, Garnet Earl Brown, who passed away on February 15, 2005 after a lengthy battle with cancer and a lifelong battle with diabetes. I'm also, though, running on behalf of the large number of people with whom we live and work who are affected by the disease.
As part of Team Diabetes, I'll be raising money (and awareness) for the Canadian Diabetes Association--the Association's mission is to promote the health of Canadians through diabetes research, education, services and advocacy.
Visit this site for more information about the CDA's programs and services.
Online donations of $15 or more will automatically receive a tax receipt from the Canadian Diabetes Assocation.
Relevant online pledging information:
Name: Sarah Styler
City: Toronto, ON
Marathon: Reykjavik, Iceland, August 19, 2006
I can also accept cash and cheque pledges--please make all cheques out to the Canadian Diabetes Association.
Any questions? Email me!
Wow, a post from the future. ooooohh!
Long time no talk--when are you coming back to sunny and fabulous Ontario?!
Oops. Long time since I've checked your blog... turns out I've missed nothing! But I'm back in February. I'm sure you miss me. 'n stuff. haha.
Ok so I've finally made the effort to type a few words on you're super cool website :). I'm so proud of you!
Any way as someone living off of totally ficticious money is it possible to make donations with the ol' mastercard? also any news on a fundraising package that I can use to bother my friends, co workers and neighbours in the name of canvassing for you ? lotsa luv and cool runnings.
A: Yes, you can donate via MasterCard.
B: Fundraising package in the works--by mid-February, hopefully.
C: I miss you!
Hi Sarah Anne,
I knew if I searched long enough I would find another Torontonian who's made this crazy commitment!
Sounds like you're doing well in both your training and fundraising - congratulations, and keep it up!
I'm a relatively late joiner, so I have some catching up to do...
Take care,
Congrats on joining Team D. You're going to LOVE the experience. I am doing it for a second time this November - the NYC marathon. My first was Dublin 2002. I'm really enjoying reading everybody's Team D blogs. My own blog: www.petermcdrunning.blogspot.com.
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