Monday, August 21, 2006
Saturday, August 19, 2006
5:11:50 or so
Details to follow, but here are some points to tide you over:
--running through empty container ports is boring
--running along the ocean with the wind at your back is lovely
--running along the ocean with the wind blowing at you is not lovely
I´d like to officially blame the wind for my slower-than-I-would-have-hoped finish, and, well, myself for finishing at all.
Go me!
Love from,

I'm running the Reykjavik marathon in memory of my grandfather, Garnet Earl Brown, who passed away on February 15, 2005 after a lengthy battle with cancer and a lifelong battle with diabetes. I'm also, though, running on behalf of the large number of people with whom we live and work who are affected by the disease.
As part of Team Diabetes, I'll be raising money (and awareness) for the Canadian Diabetes Association--the Association's mission is to promote the health of Canadians through diabetes research, education, services and advocacy.
Visit this site for more information about the CDA's programs and services.
Online donations of $15 or more will automatically receive a tax receipt from the Canadian Diabetes Assocation.
Relevant online pledging information:
Name: Sarah Styler
City: Toronto, ON
Marathon: Reykjavik, Iceland, August 19, 2006
I can also accept cash and cheque pledges--please make all cheques out to the Canadian Diabetes Association.
Any questions? Email me!
Friday, August 18, 2006
writing from reykjavik
We arrived yesterday morning at 7 am Iceland time, but couldn´t get into our hotels until the afternoon. I walked around Reykjavik--gorgeous!--but ended up falling asleep in the hotel at 5 p.m. More details later, as my brain is still a bit fuzzy.
Today, we went for a quick 3K run and then to a geothermal spring outside of the city. Pictures when I return!
Anyway, tomorrow´s the big day--wish me luck!
Hey, though, just to tide you Sarah-o-philes over, here are some characters that are on Icelandic keyboards that are seriously impeding my ability to type properly:
µ (who puts mu on a keyboard! seriously!)
And then, to make it worse, things like colons are not where I expect them to be. I suppose I could have worse complaints, though, what with being in Iceland and all.
More updates to follow--once I finish the race!
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
hours until take-off (5) vs. number of things to do (5 million)
First, though, thanks to my high-school teacher extraordinaire, Mr. L, and fellow former Innis-ite S for their very generous donations!
The race is on Saturday, so I'm hoping to have enough time to adjust to the temperature/time difference/etc. by then in order to make it through in half-decent shape. I'm confident that I'll be able to finish, but I'm still a wee bit nervous.
Anyway, I leave tonight at 4:45 p.m.--wish me luck!
Before I sign off, though, I'd like to send out one last thank-you to everyone who donated to my campaign--I just squeaked over the $6000 mark, so know that no matter the size of your donation, it played a key role in my campaign's success. I'm so happy that I've been able to raise so much money in support of the Canadian Diabetes Association--I feel truly lucky to know so many wonderful, generous people.
Oh, one last thing! I have a few tres special people I'd like to thank.
First, Mom and Nana (and, by extension, Sean and Daniel, etc., etc., etc.), thank you so much for supporting me throughout the past few months, and for donating so generously. Hugs and kisses!
And, R, know that I couldn't have done it without you--you've been wonderful.
Finally, thanks to my grandfather for being such an inspiration--I know that you wouldn't even want me to be running this thing, but know that:
A) I try not to run at night, for the most part
B) My knees are fine
C) You made the first twenty-two years of my life wonderful, and I'll love you forever for it
And now, without further ado, CIAO! Expect pictures when I return!
hours until take-off (5) vs. number of things to do (5 million)
First, though, thanks to my high-school teacher extraordinaire, Mr. L, and fellow former Innis-ite S for their very generous donations!
The race is on Saturday, so I'm hoping to have enough time to adjust to the temperature/time difference/etc. by then in order to make it through in half-decent shape. I'm confident that I'll be able to finish, but I'm still a wee bit nervous.
Anyway, I leave tonight at 4:45 p.m.--wish me luck!
Before I sign off, though, I'd like to send out one last thank-you to everyone who donated to my campaign--I just squeaked over the $6000 mark, so know that no matter the size of your donation, it played a key role in my campaign's success. I'm so happy that I've been able to raise so much money in support of the Canadian Diabetes Association--I feel truly lucky to know so many wonderful, generous people.
Oh, one last thing! I have a few tres special people I'd like to thank.
First, Mom and Nana (and, by extension, Sean and Daniel, etc., etc., etc.), thank you so much for supporting me throughout the past few months, and for donating so generously. Hugs and kisses!
And, R, know that I couldn't have done it without you--you've been wonderful.
Finally, thanks to my grandfather for being such an inspiration--I know that you wouldn't even want me to be running this thing, but know that:
A) I try not to run at night, for the most part
B) My knees are fine
C) You made the first twenty-two years of my life wonderful, and I'll love you forever for it
And now, without further ado, CIAO! Expect pictures when I return!
Sunday, August 06, 2006
* H&R and C, B's parents and aunt and all-around fabulous people
* S&J, my long-distance second cousin and second-cousin-in-law
* M, my friend and co-worker...and the person whose donation put my campaign over the top!
Second, I'd like to send a huge thank-you to the mp3 version of my Greatest 90s Hits CD (which I compiled) for helping me make it through my 20-mile run on Thursday. Those people at Yonge and Bloor had no idea I was listening to Britney Spears; those people at Yonge and St. Clair had no idea I was listening to Vanilla Ice; etc.
Third, I'm going to be bidding this blog adieu for a week or so as I jet off (actually, drive off) to Chicago with R on vacation. I'll be doing my final long run on the Chicago waterfront!
Finally, THANK YOU! To everyone! I wouldn't have made it without you! And, to those of you who have donated, expect a newsletter before I head off to Iceland on Wednesday, August 16!
Monday, July 31, 2006
failures and successes
Before going to the theatre yesterday to see Clerks II, I was very optimistic about my 20-mile run. Before I watched the World Poker Tour while eating a salmon burger, I was somewhat optimistic about my 20-mile run. By the time I got myself out the door, I was less than optimistic. Why? Because it was already 8 p.m. and I wasn't looking forward to running through the sketchy St. Clair and Weston Road neighbourhood after dark; because I knew that by the time I got to my "must tack on an extra kilometre or so" detour south to Front Street I would definitely not be in the mood for it; because the new, lovely New Balance shoes I bought yesterday made my left foot go numb before I even left the house.
Anyway, I stopped at Pape and Danforth after running only 12 miles. I felt defeated and somewhat lazy, really, but on the subway ride of shame back to R's house, I resolved to RUN THE TWENTY MILES ON THURSDAY, DAMMIT. The upper-case lettering is to remind me to do it. Or else. I'm planning to leave from work and do an east-west trip. Plussss, I get to run my next long run in...wait for it...Chicahhhhgo!
Of course, the "SUCCESS!" portion of this post comes from people other than me. A number of people have made very, very generous donations to my campaign over the past week, and I'd like to send a wee shout-out their way maintenant:
**P, R's friend in Japan who is visiting Toronto and whom I might be able to thank in person!
**S, tireless volunteer at the Ministry of Environment's United Way campaign!
**T, fellow Sponsored Employee and all-around fabulous guy!
Finally, I do get the feeling that I may have neglected to mention a few people on this blog, despite having written to thank them personally: I hope to fix this shortly by posting a list of eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeveryone who's donated, anonymous-ified, of course.
Love from,
PS I promise I'll make it to the finish line in Reykjavik in one piece.
PPS Really!
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Soooooo close!
I'd like to send a huge thank-you out to E, D, M, and V for disproving the theory that the last few hundred dollars are always the most difficult to raise!
I'm off to a meeting now, but let it be known that this amazing display of generosity has put me in an absolutely lovely mood! I'm gushing, I know, but when a girl reaches the 96% mark, I think it's at least somewhat justified.
As my campaign winds down, I'd like to send out the first (or probably second or third--I don't have the energy to search the archives) cumulative thank-you: