Saturday, December 03, 2005

saturday morning, six miles

Went for a run: St. Clair to Bayview, Bayview to Eglinton, Eglinton to Avenue Road, Avenue Road to St. Clair.

Six miles, and I feel as though I could have gone for at least another...half-mile. I think, though, that this whole marathon thing is going to work out quite nicely.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

wednesday evening fabulousness

Went out for a five-mile run last night (to Dupont and Christie and back). The weather was gorgeous and I had to take off my mittens half-way through.

Listening to Belle and Sebastian while running down Christie Street in the blue glow of Christmas lights, I found myself compelled to jump up in the air a la Terry Fox in an old picture book of mine (I'm sure that there are less obscure references, but that's all I've got). I didn't, though, and managed to make it home without embarrassing myself by tripping over a curb, etc.

Tonight? A quick two-mile run after Italian class.

Monday, November 28, 2005

small victories and interim goals

I'll be running a half-marathon in Montreal on February 5.

As of this week, I'll be running four (or so) times per week, with short runs on Tuesdays and Thursdays, a slightly longer one on Wednesdays, and a long(ish) run on Saturdays.

Sunday, November 27, 2005

saturday morning, six miles

On Saturday morning, I woke up early and went for a run with R in the snow.

We went from Queen and Lisgar to Sunnyside, and then up Parkside to Bloor. Running in the snow was exhausting, and R handled it far better than me (as expected).

Anyway, end result? First "long" run completed, with no lasting side effects.

Friday, November 25, 2005

snowy fabulousness

If running two half-marathons didn't convince me that I'm an actual runner (a mediocre one, but one nonetheless), last night's trip out at eleven post meridian did.

After a few miles of running while wearing three layers, a striped toque, and mittens, I arrived home all overheated, sniffling, and self-satisfied.

Monday, November 21, 2005


I went to Guelph on Saturday, and had a great conversation with B and R about my fundraising plans. They've agreed to canvass on my behalf (thanks girls!), and in the spring, B's going to write a press release and try to get me into the Belleville newspaper (on one of those slow news days...).

As for the athletic end of things, I dragged myself out of bed this morning at 5:45 and went for a two-mile run. It was only my second run since my (uninspiring) half-marathon, so I'm happy with myself for not collapsing at the corner of Argyle and Dovercourt on my way back to my apartment.

I'm going to be submitting my registration form later on today, so it looks as though there's no turning back. I feel as though I should be listening to all Bjork, all the time.

Also, comment, dammit! This means you, B, R, J, and D.

Friday, November 18, 2005

Post Numero Uno

I've left my trademark indecisiveness sulking in the corner, and have finally decided to commit to running a marathon as part of Team Diabetes Canada.

Date: August 19, 2006
Location: Reykjavik, Iceland

I plan to use this blog to keep everyone updated on my training (and fundraising) progress. As soon as I officially register, I'll post a link to the online pledge utility.